About this platform

Find out more about what we do

The Forestry Hub is an innovative matchmaking automatic tool for forest and environment stakeholders in order to create business, research and project opportunities.

It is like a "contact page" that everyday learns from the new entries, suggests you the best options and it is always automatically updated so that it does the job for you!

Here you can look for potential clients, associates, partners... as well as being found by centers requiring your products, expertise, funds or anything you can offer!

This matchmaking tool was created thanks to the partners of the MENFRI project (Mediterranean Network of Forestry Research and Innovation) and its external network and is run and offered to you for free by the Node.

The Node - Nodefor Opportunities, Development and Environment – is a multidisciplinary expertise hub to provide innovative sustainable development solutions to empower people and respond to social and environmental challenges.

The Node offers the Forestry Hub as a free service and example of our capabilities and objectives.

Feel free to share this initiative: the more people will sign up the more it will be able to be useful to make the forest and environmental sector a sustainable and job creating business!